Ranks Explained

Lion Scouts 


Lion Scouts is a fun introduction to the Scouting program for kindergarten-age boys and girls eager to get going! Lions do adventures with their adult partners and other Lions every month. This program introduces youth and their families to Scouting and the outdoors as it builds a foundation of character. Everything as a Lion is done with an adult partner. 

For more information visit: Lion Cub Scouts 

Tiger Scouts 

1st Grade

A Tiger Scout works to complete 6 required Adventures that are aimed at: Engaging in games with peers and Teamwork, Getting into Nature, Nutrition, Reverence (within one's preferred faith structure), and Safety in the Outdoors. There are presently 9 elective Adventures that go above and beyond the 6 required and enhance further skills in Team play, outdoor awareness, and personal safety. 

For more information visit: Tiger Cub Scouts 

Wolf Scouts

2nd Grade

When a Scout is in the second grade, he/she starts work on the twelve achievements for the Wolf rank. These achievements involve knowledge of the national flag, personal religious duties, physical skills and other simple skills geared to his/her interests.

For more information visit: Wolf Cub Scouts 

Bear Scout

3rd Grade

Bear dens will have opportunities to participate in Pack meetings. Prepare your scouts by having them ready to perform a couple of skits and lead the pack in some games. By having a Bear favorite ready, your scouts will look good, have fun, and increase their confidence through leading the pack. 

For more information visit: Bear Cub Scouts

Webelo Scout

4th Grade

Webelos is for 4th grade youth to prepare to join a Scouts BSA troop while learning outdoors skills and participating in many adventures. A well-run group of Webelos is a gradual change from being an 'adult-run' den to being a 'scout-run' patrol ready to fit right into an adventurous Scouts BSA troop. This migration requires the parents and den leaders to give the scouts more and more control, decision-making power, and responsibility as they progress in skills, abilities, and maturity. 

For more information visit: Webelos Adventure

Arrow of Light Scout

5th Grade

For the oldest Cub Scouts, the Arrow of Light program offers 5th grade Webelos the opportunity to earn a patch that transfers to their Scouts BSA uniform. By earning this recognition, a scout demonstrates readiness for the next step on the boy scout trail. 

For more information visit: Arrow of Light